Ryde Carnival Programme 2023 on Sale NOW!!
Featuring a beautiful front cover by Katie Stone, the Ryde Carnival 2023 programme is now on sale for only £1 at the following outlets;
Mellish’s and The Vegetable Cart in the High Street
The Library in George Street
Morrisons Daily and Hurst in Union Street
With articles about Ryde Royalty, FREE workshops, all our other summer Carnival events, the info for the Children’s Carnival Day, Main Carnival and the Illuminated Carnival, route of the processions and of course, our Window Spotting Competition, Colouring Competition and a Word Trail done for us by Losten an artist and friend of Ryde Carnival.
So, what are you waiting for? Head out to one of the outlets listed above to get your very own copy and Happy Window Spotting!